Computers are Smarter
In computery stuff, we have a hard drive and usually
disks and printers. The data on the hard drive stays there even after we shut
off power to it. We don't need to concern ourselves with how, just familiarize
yourself with the concept. Likewise a printed piece of paper that contains data
is permanent because it requires nothing except to be untampered.
The only way to lose data on a hard drive or printed paper is to actively try
to harm them.
In our machine, this simple program would most likely be fixed to the hardware
itself, and unchangable. As machines gain complexity,
their programs must be updated to extend their functionality or fix old
functionality. Personal computers use these kinds of software programs.
Software programs are still instructions, but they exist on some kind of
storage rather than on the machine's logical hardware itself. These are not
already simply "known" by the machine, they must be loaded and run.
In the world of computing you know, these are executable files on your personal
When a software program is run, it is read by the machine using it's
brain, the CPU (microprocessor). It follows the instructions of the program
exactly. It stores what the program wants, retrieves what the program wants,
outputs what the program wants, and feeds the program requested input. The CPU
rarely denies requests and is therefore a powerful, but dangerous thing.
So, there is another platform on which much of this logic can be run: the operating
system. The operating system is a software program or programs that
can run other programs that are written specifically for it. When these higher
level programs need access to the hardware of the machine, they will ask the
operating system rather than talking to the hardware directly through the CPU.
This is safer and because the operating system has a lot of logic
already, higher-level programs can use that logic without writing more of their
What I will be
teaching you to write are software programs to run on modern operating systems
running on modern computers. By modern,
I mean within the last couple decades or so … I won’t be picky if you’re using this (link to old Tandy from Art Bell
here!) computer.
Computers Don’t Speak Love
Everyone now
and again hears or mentions the magical phrase “universal language”. Let me tell you, computers don’t speak
it. In fact, if you thought there was a
battle of the languages here in the real world, wait until you get into the
cyber realm! People already familiar
with that aspect of debate know what I’m talking about. What you’ll find is that many people will
defend their favorite language to the death; worse than the crappy music they
listen to!
But what am I
talking about with languages? At any of
several levels in the computer’s logic there exists a language. The language is the format of the logical instructions that comprise a program. In personal computers, the very base language
is that of the CPU itself and is known as “machine language”. In fact, your computer itself knows nothing
other than this dismal language. The
program with machine language is it’s simplified beyond human
comprehension. Every instruction is
broken down to very, very simple
things so more of them can be read into the CPU at once. It doesn’t have to do any parsing (i.e. breaking the data into
it’s logical and useful parts and then processing it) on them at all. It would be the equivalent of instinct in
animals. They just know how to do some things, just like the CPU knows how to read these instructions brainlessly and endlessly.
In the dark
ages of computing, humans were slaves to computers and were forced to write in machine language. Then came the first of the translated
languages: assembler. It was hardly a
step up from machine language, but I can actually put it in writing. For example, to place the number 5 in one of
the CPU’s registers (i.e. “brain cells”) you could write:
Mov ax, 5
computers only really understand their machine language, programs written in
these languages had to be translated. No
human would want that job, let me tell you, so the instructions were fed into a
translator program whose instructions were already in machine language. For assembler the process of translating is
known as “assembling” and the program used to do it simply as “assembler”.
Assembler is
known as a low-level language because it is exactly like machine language
except mildly comprehensible. Later on,
more translated languages popped up but they were “higher-level” because they
were even more readable and less tied to the computer’s machine language. This sparked the idea of portability … you
could take instructions from Machine A and put them on Machine B and compile
them there into Machine B’s machine language.
These early high-level languages (such as “COBOL”) were good points in
history but they had their short comings (they were the first, so this was
inevitable). For one thing, portability
was really a myth. You could take
instructions from Machine A, then put them on Machine B, then pay someone to
modify them for all the special “syntax” Machine B used, then have it compiled,
then pay for repairs when it didn’t work, etc.
And they seemed to think that broken English was a great architecture
for a “human readable” programming language.
I used some
“new” terms there. One was
“syntax”. It simply means the rules of a
language (or “features”, but those are inclusive to rules). The latter was “programming language”. A high-level language is known as a
“programming language” for the simple reason that you write in this foreign
language for the purpose of programming.
higher-level translated languages of which I have been speaking and we will
focus on are called “compiled languages”.
C and C++ are compiled languages.
The term you figured was coming is “compiler”: the program used to
translate compiled languages into machine language.
fundamental thing you must realize here is that computers cannot read or understand C++ without it first being translated. Another way a computer read instructions from
a high-level language is through “interpretation” rather the
“compilation”. The term “interpretation”
is used by languages whose instructions are read by a translator when the program is to be run.
Viva La Existance
instructions for any language exist in files.
For high-level languages these files are known as “source” files as they
contain “source code”. The terms
“source” and “source code” are synonymous … I suppose someone just got tired of
saying “code” and dropped it and no one really has noticed since. Source is actually just a way of saying
“instructions”. When I say “Here my C++
source”, what I mean is “Here are my instructions written in C++”. For C++, these files usually have one of the
following extensions: “c”, “cpp”,
“cxx”, “h”, or “hpp”. I’ll get into what each of them typically
means later.
Most machine
language exists in files as well. These
are typically referred to as “executable” files. They don’t have a larger salary than other
files, but the machine does
understand them natively. These files
can be executed or “run” (not killed)
natively by the machine. On DOS/Windows
machines, these files have the extension “exe”.
Your C++
source files are not executable …
though you would like them to be. You
cannot simply run them because the computer doesn’t understand their language;
it only knows the blasphemous machine language.
If you try to “run” a C++ source file on Microsoft Windows, by say
“double-clicking” it (a popular choice for many people today – double clicking
that is) … it will either open the file using
a program (like Microsoft Visual C++, TextPad, etc.)
or ask you what you want to do with it.
But it cannot run the file; it
isn’t executable. Remember you must
compile (translate) your C++ source files, and therefore your C++ instructions,
into machine code and an executable file.
More succinctly put, you must translate your source file into an
executable file.
Notice I said
source files (plural). This is an understandability issue. Usually programmers will keep their program’s
source code in multiple source files.
This makes it easier to manage and change. These files will all get compiled (remember
that means translated) into a single file of machine code. That is, of course, if they are for a single
project. You see, not all machine code
is in a single file either. When you
keep those instructions in separate files you only have to change those files
to change that set of instructions. Did
you think Windows was stored in a single executable somewhere on your system
that you could doink with? No, it’s stored in many, many files.
Not all
executable files can be run directly.
Some of them are sucked in when other files are run. For example, DLL’s (or SO’s
if you’re on a Unices platform) are executable files
but you cannot run them directly. They
need additional information to run that you cannot give them; other programs
Other Things That Run … or Crawl
Now, if you’re
fairly adept at operating a computer you might be wondering about those other
programs that you can “run”. Things like
command scripts, batch files, etc. These
are instructions, no doubt about it, and they are not machine language because usually you can actually read (and
edit) them with a text editor. The instructions
in these files is still translated
just like C++ instructions are compiled
and Assembler instructions are assembled. The translation for these types of files is
known as “interpretation”. Yeah, it’s a
bit silly but it’s true. The interpreter
(program that translates interpreted languages) has all the machine language at
it’s disposal that the interpreted language will ever use. It reads the instructions, interprets them, executes some machine
language that equates to the instruction, and then moves on to the next
one. This all happens in “real time” and
no executable file is ever generated.
languages are also sometimes called “scripting” languages. They include the ever popular JavaScript, VisualBasic Script (VBA), QBasic, and batch files.
The typical
advantage of interpreted languages is that they’re easy to understand, quick to
write (since the interpreter usually knows a lot so the programmer has to know
less), and it is easier to write extremely “dynamic” (ever-changing) things. The major disadvantage is speed, followed by
rules and portability. Since you are
insulated from the machine itself by the interpreter, you can make less
mistakes but in being further away your program is slower. High performance programs are not typically
written in script (a short-name for an interpreted language). Many utilities, however, are and for good
Since this
tutorial is meant to school you in C++, a compiled language, I will not spend
any more time on interpreted languages.
Interpreted Compiled Instructions
Yes, there is
such a thing as instructions that are compiled into an interpreted language.
On very popular example is Java.
The Java source is written in a human-readable format. It is then compiled into byte-code which is
instructions for a “virtual machine” (fancy name for an interpreter). The advantage of this is that the interpreter
is much faster because the format it must understand is much simpler (almost machine-code like). The disadvantages are still basically the
same as an interpreted language; except now you have to worry about some other
Again, I will
speak no more of these byte-code languages as C++ is not one of them. If you’re interested in more information, see
here: …